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Sweet Bod Incorporated

Becoming your best self

Welcome to Sweet Bod Inc.

Hello potential customer and welcome to our home page.
We are Sweet Bod Incorporated, a company dedicated to letting you become your best self.
You may know us from our viral product, "Rozunanochrome", the first medicine known to cure all bodily illnesses, infections and even tumors!

Sweet Bod Inc. was funded in 1947 by our mysterious founder, "Rozu", in our glorious headquarters in Paradise City, California.
We have since been dedicated to helping better the lives of everyone, through creating medicine and starting a pharmaceutical business.

Following our success in 1981 with Rozunanochrome, we have expanded our business into several different markets.
like the cruiseliner business, or sponsoring live-streamers!
We thank everyone for your continued support!

To break the keyfabe, check out our company policy!